Thursday, January 5, 2012

California Lovin'

We were really lucky this summer to get to go to San Diego and Disneyland with Grandpa and Grandma Telford.  We seriously had such a great time and going back on these pictures make me really excited to go back for our family reunion in February! We of course went to Mormon Battalion and USS Midway.  Neither one of them were exactly exciting for the kids but we still had a good time anyway.  I loved the tour that the church gave on the Mormon Battalion and in the end we got to dig for gold and rylie got to play in water, her favorite thing to do!

You can't do San Diego with out going to Sea World of course!  I love Sea World, I especially love that we get to go free once a year because of Devin being in the military :)  I think the sea otter show is my favorite, its the most entertaining but Shamu is just amazing!    Ezra thought it was so cool to meet Elmo.  He asked him where Dorthy was right away and they all thought that was pretty cute.  He also was tall enough to do the big Atlantis ride.  He did amazing!  After the first big dip and when we started going up the next one he said to me "oh no, not again!"  He loved the big roller coasters and cried when we didn't let him go a third time!

Ah Disneyland!  I wish I had more pictures, but Neva has a good majority of our really fun pictures.  Seems like words can't describe how awesome Disneyland is.  It was hot and we walked a lot and by the end of the day I admit I was grumpy, but it really is magical.  I don't have pictures of our dinner at Goofey's kitchen but seriously it was one of the best parts of the trip-well worth the $$. 

Posted by PicasaWe were having so much fun that we decided to stay an extra day.  I love how every picture taken at the beach always looks amazing..because the beach is amazing! Ezra loved writing his name in the sand and watching the water wash it away.  I would move to So. California in a heart beat!  We also got to visit Great Great Grandpa Wilkerson (the kids great great grandpa, Devin's great grandpa)  He wasn't feeling well when we went so we didn't get to talk to him much, but we love that we have been able to visit him every year.  This year I believe he is turning 94..I think. 

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