So those of you that know me pretty well know that I tend to stress and freak out about unnecessary things.. of course in my mind they are necessary. Yes I stress and think of every possible situation and scenario and try to figure them out..and of course I have to do it by myself. I may go to you for help but really I hardly listen because I am too stressed to hear what is being suggested and just stress out more.
This morning when Ezra woke up I found him lying in a bed of poop! It was everywhere-his hair, his back, his sheets, his arms..everywhere! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? So I gave him a bath and cleaned his bedding, then the stressing began. What am I going to do in less than 2 months when I have 2 babies that poop everywhere? Seriously how do people handle having more than one child. How do I go to the store, and where do I put them both in the grocery cart? What am I going to do at church when Devin has drill and is not there to help me? Do I bathe them together? How do I get them on the same sleeping schedule(this is important to me) or is it possible? What do I do when Ezra has a bad dream at night and can't relax and wakes Rylie up and all she will want to do is nurse? Assuming Devin is still working nights at this time, that is a scary thought for me. And when I am nursing and bonding with my new baby how do I continue to bond with Ezra?
AHHH! So I am asking all you fabulous moms out there that have more than one child for advice because I'm starting to wig out. I promise to listen too. Devin and I were certain Ezra would be at least 2 before we even tried having another child.. that obviously didn't work out. So what do I do, and is it nesisarry for me to stress?
Homemade Calzone
1 day ago
Wait till you have 4!! It just works I don't know how, but it just works. Things won't be perfect and you'll just muttle through, but take time to enjoy it! Oh and just bathe them together its much easier!
Believe me, there are plenty of people to help you out at church. My husband works, so I go to church by myself with the kids. I think you will be lucky to bathe them together. I still can't do that. You will be fine!!!!!
well hmm. some people say i am a bit "relaxed" and that i don't stress about will have your days! the best advice my midwife gave me was...babies cry when they are hungry, poopie, or tired and don't stress in between. it works for me. i have my moments though!
schedules. they work!
call Bamma!
A bed of poop? I know you were frusterated but you were so funny too. That's what you need to do is keep that great sense of humore, and maybe start drinking ;)
I agree with rebecca.. start drinking :) and find joy in your journey.. when in doubt, call me hehe SOrry! I'm a space case! DId you have a fabulous new years? We missed you guys, but I'm sure you had something better to do! Rub it into your husband...we did Karaoke!!!
Don't stress. You'll be fine, just keep things simple. First of all you probably just wont go anywhere. Me and the boys, we rarely leave the house. I absolutely NEVER go grocery shopping with them. Especially when Mikko was first born. It was impossible. Now I can go if the carts have double seats... but I still try to avoid it. Second, I don't know how big your house is, but I would really try to keep them in seperate rooms. That has worked well for us. My kids would never sleep if they could hear eachother. I kept the boys on the same napping schedule for a long time. AJ is just now moving to one nap... which is ofcourse between Mikkos two naps. Baths are tough when #2 is still little. I would bath #1 first, them set him in his crib to play while I bathed #2. Now that Mikko can sit up in the tub, I bathe them together. Its MUCH easier. I have no suggestions for nursing. I'm a big baby and do formula (which holds them off longer than nursing). But AJ was a little neglected for awhile. Sometimes he would just cry at my feet while I would feed Mikko. It was kinda sad, but I think he eventually got use to it. now i can lay Mikko on the ground and he feeds himself a bottle... heaven! So don't stress. I think it gets easier the older they're getting. Don't feel like you have to get everything done. Two babies takes up your whole day sometimes. And if Devon ever gives you crap... let him stay home with the kids alone for a day. He'll be begging to go back to work. Long enough comment? I don't know everything, but if you ever need to vent, or need some suggestions... I'm all ears! I'm actually crazy enough to want to get pregnant again right now! That alone should tell you, its really not that bad.
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