Yesterday marked 5 years from coming home from my mission for my church . Seriously not a day goes by with out thinking about Honduras or someone from my mission. I have a great friend who is also an awesome writer. She has captured Honduras so well that you should just click here if you want to have an ideas what a mission is like in Honduras and what the culture is really like. She really captures it perfectly. Thanks Torgerson..I mean Carly :)
The truth is I will never be the same after serving the Lord. I really found out who I am. I learned to love greater than I ever imagined. I learned to work hard and to serve others. In my Missionary Handbook I have a quote by Ezra Taft Benson that says, "When Obedience becomes my quest and not an irritation, at that moment I am endowed from on high." I can not express in words how much I was blessed for being obedient as a missionary. I can honestly say that I gave my best to the Lord and I know that He accepted my work.
There are so many people that made my mission great that I will never forget. I had amazing companions and a family that supported me so well. There were so many missionaries that I learned from just by their example. Breana, you were the best mom anyone could ever ask for. Janice, I learned so much in the time that we were together, memories that I will never forget. Carly, you know I love your guts and even though we didn't serve as a companionship you taught me so much. Mom, thank you for writing me every single week with out falter you made hard weeks better with your encouraging words. The list could really go on.
The testimony I have today is simple, but helps me to be the person I am today. I know that the Church is true without a Shadow of doubt. I know that our Savior Jesus Christ atoned for our sins and that we can overcome anything through Him. I know that Heavenly Father knows us and our needs and is very mindful of our current situations. I am thankful for the restoration of the gospel and priesthood, because of it I know my family can be together forever.
What a blessing our missions were! This post is so special and makes me think so much about my mission. How blessed I was to get to know you! Love you lots!
p.s. Hope you don't mind if I copy your great idea and make a similar post on my blog :)
awesome!!! just like Tami....hehehe...I'll be doing the same...Vive Honduras!!! :))) and yay! I'm in your pictures! lol
Thanks Tede! Some days I just wish I could go back and see how everyone is doing!
You're the best madre ever!
i love it tede! not a day goes by that i don't think of honduras as well. you go into a mission thinking that you will be able to help others and make a difference in others lives, but the reality is that you come home the different person. i feel honored to have served with you. and those were some awesome sapce invader shirts :D
That is so awesome! What a great experience. I loved the pictures too!
Make me want to cry. Honduras... and all those same people... have tender places in my heart. It was a nostalgic, happy, sad day for me a few months ago when I hit my five year mark. It sometimes feels so far away and sometimes feels very real and present.
Love you!
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