So I have been able to get some amazing deals this weekend! Yesterday at Target I scored pretty big in the toy isle for the kids saving 75% off of everything. Christmas is going to be fun this year :) I think I got like 10-12 toys and paid about $4 a toy average. Then I got tons of clothes for rylie at Old Navy and Target. Iwas able to get her 7 bottoms, 8 shirts, 2 pairs of shoes, and 3 ballerina/tumbling class outfits. For all of her stuff I paid $38..not bad. A lot of the clothes are a size up or two.
I really have a love hate relationsip with coupons. I love that I can get soo many things for sooo cheap or free. I love that I never pay for toiletries anymore. I love that it has helped me make friends and that I can share my knowledge with others. I don't like on the other had how much it consumes my life. Couponing is my favorite thing to do now. I love when I can save 80-90% off my grocery bills, but I don't like all the time it takes me to get organized to do so. I don't like how our office is just piles of newspapers and coupons. So just when I think maybe I should just go back to shopping generic and on a very strict budget and menu I have a day like today when I saved over 93% total. Before coupons and savings my bill would have been $233, but out of pocket I paid $31. At walgreens I got the best deal, I got 3 packages of pull-ups and 6 packages of gum for 98 cents!! Crazy, right?!
I know I have hardly any food in these pictures, the truth is I didn't go to shop for food because I have accumulated a decent stock pile of food and I really only shop for that stuff when it's free or practically free...or i'm all out and desperate. We have gotten our groceries down to about $150-$200 a month and that includes baby supplies and cleaning supplies as well.