My sister
Tannis was married last month. I don't know if I have ever seen a happier bride. I am so happy for her and Clayton. They are so cute and fun together that I know that they will always be happy and always love
each other.
It has been a little over a year now since Grandma Vance passed away. I still feel so blessed to have known her. She was such an amazing woman with such amazing faith. I will always look up to her as a woman of faith and of someone that I want to be like. She kept amazing journals and always made people smile.
Hine!! I can't believe he has been out for almost 18 months. I love reading his emails and love to hear that he loves his mission so much. He is such a great missionary and loves the people of Panama, and we love him.
Yay! Finally I can do cute things with
Rylie's hair. It has taken awhile but it is finally long enough to do some creative hair styles.
My mom came up this past weekend and helped us potty train Ezra. He has done so well, I am so proud of him! Like my mom says though, potty training is really about training the parent to remind the child to go to the bathroom on the potty.
This is what happens when you turn your back for 2 minutes in my house!
So There you go! Also I want to give a little shout out to my friend Janice who has an
etsy shop full of cute felt items. I actually bought some of the preschool games and hair clips and LOVE them, and the kids do too. This is
her link to her shop! I highly
recommend checking her out. :)