Little Miss Rylie Dianne has arrived! She is soo sweet and precious, we love her to pieces. She is a very good baby, which makes me think maybe I can have more than 2 kids. Not to say we are planning number 3 right now. Ezra is adjusting... that's about all i can say about that, more post to come on that i'm sure.
I went in Sat. night to be induced, they started me at 9pm after 6 hrs i was dilated to a 3 and hadn't felt any real bad contractions and my cervix still was really high and not doing anything. After another 6 hrs or so my cervix was descending and i was at a 4 so my doctor broke my water and they gave me patosen(sp?). Contractions were pretty light for about 2 hrs then they started to hurt so i asked for my epidural. Right at that same time Rylie's heart rate dropped down to the 50s scaring everyone so all of a sudden there was like 4 nurses in my room and at the same moment my mom came in. I'm not going to lie i was starting to get scared myself. They started asking me if i had jewelry on or dental work that could fall out, luckily though we were able to find a position that she liked and her heart rate went back up. However because of that after i got the epidural i could only lie on my left side causing the epidural to only work on my left side (again!) so by this point i'm starting to feel a little better and calmed but then the contractions really came on hard (on my right side anyway). At 3pm Sunday my mom texted some people to let them know i was still at a 4 and only at 90%... at 4:16 our beautiful baby girl was born. 8lbs 5oz and 20 1/4 inches..we make big babies!
I feel so blessed to be a mom and hope that I can be as good of a mom as mine is to me. I feel so lucky to live closer to her and to have had her here for a week. She sure made adjusting easier. I miss her already!
Homemade Calzone
21 hours ago